Hanna85 Digital Refractometer View larger

Hanna50 Digital Refractometer


New product

Rugged, portable, water resistant digital refractometer reads from 0 to 50Brix. Wide range makes this refractometer useful in most applications. Automatically temperature compensated. Fast and easy to use. Calibrate with distilled water. 

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The Hanna50 Digital Refractometer is a rugged portable, water resistant device that benefits from HANNA’s years of experience as a manufacturer of analytical instruments. The Hanna50 is an optical instrument that employs the measurement of refractive index to display the sugar content in samples. The measurement of refractive index is simple and quick. Samples are measured after a simple user calibration with deionized or distilled water. Within seconds the instrument measures the refractive index of the sample and converts it to % Brix concentration units. The Hanna50 digital refractometer eliminates the uncertainty associated with mechanical refractometers and is portable for measurements in the field.

Temperature (in °C or °F) is displayed simultaneously with measurement on the large, dual level display along with other helpful message codes. The measurement technique and temperature compensation employ the methodology in the ICUMSA Methods Book (International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis).

• Wide Range: The Hanna50 is versatile enough to fit most applications.

• Easy Measurement: Place a few drops of the sample in the well and press the READ key.

• Calibrate with Water: Fill the sample well with distilled or deionized water and press the ZERO key.

• Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)

• Battery Operated: The Hanna50 is operated by a single 9V battery for portability.

• Dual-level LCD: The dual-level LCD displays the measurement as well as temperature readings simultaneously.

• Waterproof: The Hanna50 offers IP65 waterproof protection.

• Quick, Precise Results: Readings are displayed in approximately 1.5 seconds.

• Small Sample Size: The Hanna85 is able to read samples as small as 2 metric drops.