UpH-3 Kit - Reams Urea & pH (Full Kit) View larger

UpH-3 Kit - Reams Urea & pH (Full Kit)


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This kit has all the chemicals and labware needed for urea testing & also includes pH color indicating solutions. For the other numbers in Reams’ RBTI equation, you need a refractometer & a conductivity meter. This equation is useful in determining adequacy of feed rations.

Image not actual kit, see list of items included.

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UpH-3 Kit Reams Urea and pH (FULL KIT for Urea and pH numbers)

*Customers outside the continental USA will not be able to order this kit. They can purchase the non-chemical version of the UpH-3 Kit and try to source the chemicals separately, see note below*.

This kit allows the user to test animal urine and saliva to determine adequacy of food rations according to the Reams RBTI test. (Note: kit pictured is not the actual kit, please see item list above for exact kit contents.)

If you wish to perform the Reams RBTI test, please note: this kit has all the chemicals & labware needed for obtaining the urea numbers. It also includes pH color indicating solutions that allow you to obtain the pH numbers for the Reams RBTI test. For the other numbers in Reams’ equation, you will need a refractometer & a conductivity meter. A pH meter can provide better accuracy than the included pH indicators or pH tape. Because of the small sample size typical when testing saliva, we recommend the LAQUAtwin pH meter.

CAUTION: These tests involve hazardous materials and require laboratory expertise; anyone buying this kit should obtain proper instructions by attending a course or studying a book on this subject such as Biologic Ionization as Applied to Human Nutrition by A. Beddoe.

Additionally, the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) can be found here for the Nitrate Test Solution and Ammonia Nitrogen Test Solution.

Please familiarize yourself with the proper handling and safety hazards involved with these items prior to ordering.

Kit includes:

  • Set of 4 liquid pH indicators & pH color cards
  • pH tape with dispenser and color card (5.5 - 8.0 pH)
  • Universal Extracting Solution, 250ml
  • NO3 and NH4 test solutions, 30ml each
  • Urea color cards for Nitrate & Ammonia Nitrogen tests
  • Polyfoam block to hold bottles
  • Porcelain well plate, (6 spot)
  • Glass pipettes with rubber bulbs, 1 dozen
  • Dispensing bottle and cover pipettes
  • Vials & culture tubes

*This kit contains hazardous materials and therefore can ONLY be shipped via UPS Ground within the continental US. We cannot ship these items overseas or outside of the continental US.