Books & Seminars
Books on Sustainable Agriculture and Growing Healthy Crops recommended by Pike Agri-Lab Supplies.
This book was designed to introduce the people of the U.S. to the idea that plants require healthy food in order to flourish, just as a human being does. It describes a system for fertilization which has become science today.
The entire electromagnetic spectrum is covered in this book, everything from the short radioactive waves used to sterilize male screw flies so the female lays sterile eggs; to the long-wave radio frequencies that penetrate the soil, control and enhance root growth and the immune system of plants and animals.
Harold Willis' book How to Grow Great Alfalfa provides a nice overview of reduced-input alfalfa production that is largely applicable to organic management.
Learn how bacteria helps your crop grow better. Learn how to drought-proof your soil. Learn whether herbicides and pesticides are really necessary, and what place hydrogen peroxide has on your farm.
This book explains how it is necessary to put the soil back into good condition by stopping harmful practices and starting right ones in order to grow top quality corn and other crops. This will beat the system by growing higher quality crops with less dollar input.
A one of a kind reference book, near 1,000 pages, providing an overview of worldwide research with an authors index of over 1,500 works dealing with Organic Soil Conditioning including humic, fulvic, & microbial balance.
Introduction to Soil Microbiology is a user-friendly introduction to the incredible world of soil microbiology.
Mainline Farming for Century 21 is more than a book of theory -- it teaches how to measure fertility down to the atomic level. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING*
His study of hedgerows, booley people and Ireland's traditional form of agriculture can teach everyone the value of the land and why not to carelessly destroy it with toxic chemicals.
This book is the culmination of all of Callahan's previous works and will certainly be his most popular book to date and a classic for years to come.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING Science in Agriculture is a concise recap of the main schools of thought that make up eco-agriculture - all clearly explained.
The Albrecht Papers, Vol. I This book is a well-organized explanation of the relationship between soil fertility and animal and human health.