Conductivity Meters
Electrical Conductivity (EC) can be simply defined as the measure of a material's ability to carry an electrical charge. EC is typically expressed in miliSiemens /cm or microSiemens /cm. The Reams RBTI test includes an EC reading expressed in "C" Salt Units. This number is used with the other tests in RBTI to determine adequa...
Conductivity Meters
Electrical Conductivity (EC) can be simply defined as the measure of a material's ability to carry an electrical charge. EC is typically expressed in miliSiemens /cm or microSiemens /cm. The Reams RBTI test includes an EC reading expressed in "C" Salt Units. This number is used with the other tests in RBTI to determine adequacy of feed rations.
DiST4 pocket tester is an affordable tester for High EC soils or for the Reams RBTI test.
DiST6WP (HI 98312) EC/TDS/Temperature Tester. Pocket sized tester for high EC Soils and also for evaluating animal diets (RBTI).
EC150 Electrical Conductivity/TDS/Temperature Tester. High accuracy, multi-ranging, waterproof, pocket sized tester for a wide range of applications.
Multi-range Conductivity Meter allows you to measure EC of a wide variety of substances from distilled water to fertilizer solutions.
Compact waterproof conductivity meter with flat sensor technology requiring just a couple of drops of sample.