Books & Seminars
Books on Sustainable Agriculture and Growing Healthy Crops recommended by Pike Agri-Lab Supplies. We also have digital audio of seminars given by Dr. Carey Reams in the 1970's and 1980's.
This book was designed to introduce the people of the U.S. to the idea that plants require healthy food in order to flourish, just as a human being does. It describes a system for fertilization which has become science today.
This is the earliest Reams seminar we have available and is the first seminar ever to be edited and indexed in this unique way to improve the lecture flow, help navigation and to allow EASY searching using a computer database.
This 5 DAY long seminar was the second seminar we had edited and indexed. It contains 333 highly descriptive tracks.
This historic 4 day seminar by the late Dr Carey Reams on Animal Husbandry, recorded in January 1980 has been digitized, thoroughly edited and then indexed into 437 highly descriptive track titles.
This seminar was held in June of 1981 and was a 3 day seminar held by the late Dr Carey Reams on Foliar Feeding. This was the third seminar we had edited and indexed in 2006 was broken into 220 highly descriptive track titles.
A year after the first 4 seminars were digitized, edited and indexed, we have had another seminar digitized and edited but this time SUPER INDEXED into 816 Tracks with a track list word count of over 8000!!!
We broke this 16 hour seminar into a whooping 1002 tracks with a tracklisting word count of over 14,000 words. The word count was so large that we could not create a booklet to fit inside the case and have instead created a folder to house the tracklisting.
Here is a collection of four historic Dr Carey Reams Seminars that have been digitized, edited and indexed. Including a bonus compilation of 30 of Dr. Carey Reams prayers and devotions, and a ring binder that includes laminated track listings.
Here is a collection of four historic Dr Carey Reams Seminars that have been digitized, edited and indexed. Including a bonus compilation of 30 of Dr. Carey Reams prayers and devotions, and a ring binder that includes laminated track listings.
The entire electromagnetic spectrum is covered in this book, everything from the short radioactive waves used to sterilize male screw flies so the female lays sterile eggs; to the long-wave radio frequencies that penetrate the soil, control and enhance root growth and the immune system of plants and animals.
Harold Willis' book How to Grow Great Alfalfa provides a nice overview of reduced-input alfalfa production that is largely applicable to organic management.
Learn how bacteria helps your crop grow better. Learn how to drought-proof your soil. Learn whether herbicides and pesticides are really necessary, and what place hydrogen peroxide has on your farm.